We have to trust people unfortunately at the cost of life and death.
If we don't trust we invite control.

The only time I see short comings in people is when they have to answer to
other people.  Left on their own people want to do the right thing.

We are infinitely far away from anything mother nature can accomplish.

We need some heroes who are willing to trust people.

It's impossible to know if someone has a legitimate answer until you are
fully aware of their perspective.  That of which is impossible also
because we each have a different perspective.  The only way we know
someone is legitimate is when we have trust in that person's values,
morals and ethics.  Information is random noise that leads to chaos.
Faith in people, on the other hand, through a common value system,
provides a foundation for civility.

Beauty and joy is not far off.  It is right there.

Don't perspire to aspire.  Inquire and admire.

Is evolution a science or a philosophy?

When will smart carpet fly?

2017 the internet has turned into streaming video and the content is

2017  It makes it easier to read the news when you don't believe it.

If it was illegal to sue doctors, how much would health care costs go

How many rain drops in a storm?  How many people in a mob?

I didn't realize how much America was bought and paid for until President
Trump was elected.

The bought and sold propagandized liberal left exists only because the
American corporate oligarchy owns them.

The typewriter enabled the Pulp Fiction era.

The liberal agenda has some good ideas.  Unfortunately they want other
people to pay for them.

Get real.  Everybody wants to do it themselves.

America!  The U.S.A.!  It's not about the President.  It's not about the
news.   It's about you!  What are you going to do to be a part of your
job, your family, your town, your country?

The vanity of vanity and the emptiness of emptiness.

Can't you see?  We've go it backwards.  Because this is a victim culture
we condemn the wrong people.   Rather than empowering and trusting each
other we condemn and are suspicious.  Rather than build we tear down.

I'm guessing people go to the movies to be inspired, not victim-hood.

Intellectual ignorance.

America is coasting downhill on a godly ancestry, ... [Dr. J. Gresham

Kept Secrets.  Some things must be kept secret.

Some things must be kept secret because there are people who will abuse
the information, take advantage of it, abuse it.

Some things must be kept secret because it is an absolute trait of
humanity to abuse them.   Such secrets are not dangerous to humanity, and
if they are, they can not be kept secret and will be discovered or
revealed.  Such secrets are only dangerous because they are used for
gossip and propaganda and perverting the truth.

  Our science does not make the wind.  For all we know God could have
planted a tree a thousand years ago to change one puff of wind today.
Infinity is to big for us to put a label on.

Greatness rarely presents itself.   It must be found.

When you're young the words people use to describe a process or method
don't make sense.  When you're old you realize they were meant to be

For all we know God could have planted a tree a thousand years ago that
diverts a single puff of wind today.

Invention is gone from the internet.

It's not a lie it's embellishment. Embellishment is for the benefit of the
listener.  A lie is for the benefit of the liar.

  The reason I don't like the liberal idealism is because I've spent so
much time honing my skills, crafts, and way of life and they want to
change it.  But I'm sure they have a better way to do things.

Vernacular!  The word sounds like a weapon, doesn't it.  I assume it is.

  "That's beautiful man," was a hippie phrase than meant honesty,
wholesomeness, and genuineness.  To a modern day woman it's a come-on and
abusive language.

The future is nonsense until it happens.

The elderly are abused when tradition is not honored.  Change tradition
and you abuse the elderly.

Sometimes the things you say provide the catalyst for a direction.  Do you
really want to be responsible for that?

People seem to think the liberal agenda will redirect resources but it
doesn't.  All we get are new regulations that cost us more.  Safer housing
for example has invited all sorts of bureaucratic regulation that have
escalated the price of a home.

Throwing money at something is a safe bet, and we seem to get contrived
confidence out of our effort.  Resources are controlled by institutional
authority and we don't have much choice unless we buy and use certified
products and services.  Try and build a house of your own original design,
using original building materials for example, or make sandwiches cakes
or lemonade to sell on the street corner.

The public is being controlled by fear.

Evil does not show itself with fire and brimstone.  It's subtle and we
don't notice it until we stop and think about it.

The unique thing about a phrase is that we all see it from our own point
of view.  You are a valuable collection of experiences and your point of
view is important to other people.

People think they're privy to information about other people.