EMP Nuclear Power Plant Scenario

    A couple of things about the Fukushima nuclear
incident.  On NHK news an employee of the nuclear power
plant was describing what happened when the earthquake
struck.  He said he was awakened from his nap in the
hallway when the earthquake struck.  I was surprised this
got by TEPCO, but they were busy and I'll bet you there
were a few phone calls made when this hit the airways.
    Second what about an EMP.  Can a nuclear power plant
operate without electricity?  We have this extreme
commentary that often refers to a electrical magnetic
pulse (EMP) from a nuclear explosion that disables all
electrical devices.  Right now Westinghouse is trying to
sell a safer nuclear reactor that can keep functioning
three days without power, using gravity feed, but what
are the extremes of an EMP?  Is it devastating enough to
take out electricity for more than three days and what
about the thousands of reactors operating now?  Hey you
wanted extreme scenarios.  I mean they missed a Tsunami,
although Tepco was in the process of shoring up seawalls
at other facilities when the wave hit.  You know there
was another power plant down the coast that had one of
three pumps shorted out by the water and it had already
shored up its walls.
   I heard a retiree from NORAD describe an EMP as a
reality and that WWIII would start with the lights going
out.  It was the loss of the pumps that caused the
meltdown in Japan.
