How to Move A Large Directory To Your OwnCloud (Without the Client)

If your not interested in getting the whole backstory and just want
the solution just scroll down until you see the word SOLUTION on its
own line.

       So recently, for reasons that will be explained on my one
man media team phlog, I had to move a directory containing 150+
files and a total size of around 1.3 gb from my laptop upto
OwnCloud. My laptop is an old white MacBook on OSX 10.6, so the
OwnCloud client was out of the question due to my OS being
unsupported. The web version of OwnCloud was horribly slow and
unstable for anything more than uploading a single file.

       The search was on. I had to find another way to access
OwnCloud. I quickly came across a post saying that the recommended
way to access Owncloud from an unsupported OS was to use the WebDAV
protocol. Using finders integrated support for WebDAV, I mounted my
OwnCloud storage. I soon found that this was just as slow and
unstable as the web client (Probably due to my slow internet).

       Then it hit me; OwnCloud is hosted on the Meta-Array (or at
least I think it is). Why use sftp to move the file to my home
directory on the meta-array and then just use basic file manipulation
commands to move the files to the OwnCloud folder. The only problem
was I don't even have read access to the actual OwnCloud folders.

       Next thing I tried was using cURL to transfer the files, but
found with my limited knowledge all I could do was move files
individually. Then I heard of the cadaver command but found it
the same limitation as cURL. Then I saw the light at the end of the
tunnel, the solution.


I thankfully stumbled upon a little bit of bash code on
that solved my problem perfectly. The url to the post is

Scroll to the post by nberth and follow the direction in his post.