Usual situation

During years  I noticed a strange  phenomena: if I have  became used to
something  then it  suddenly changes  or ceases  to exist.  The obvious
examples are  the Psion PDA (they  decided to quit teh  PDA market just
after I  bought the  Series 5),  the PowerPC at  the Apple  (well, they
released the OS Tiger just  after I finally familiarised withthe Jaguar
and they announced their switch to the  Intel just a feew weeks after I
finally  decided to  get the  iMac), then  Palm (I  so much  wanted the
WebPad!), the  Linux version of the  Intel Compute stick or  the nVidia
Shield tablets (I'm sorry but I had two).

The Logout [1][2] is not better, by the way...

OK, now something  current: our employer have used  the OwnCloud. After
some issues  in the  beginning -  they deleted all  calendar data  on a
re-install -  it worked for five  (if not more) years  without a single
issue. So I used it for files (include files sharing) and the calendar.

At last  Friday we were informed  that the OwnCloud service  will be no
more (it will quit  at June 30) because we have  the NextCloud. This is
nice but as the new service includes notes (well, a possible way how to
easily slip  out from  the Ever***e)  but ... it  does not  include the
calendar at all!

If I would be able to  use the Linux/IRIX exclusively the solution will
be easy (the GNU Remind) but I have to use the Windows and the Android,

What now?


[1] gopher://