Blackbird: RAM update

Some time ago I  decided to update RAM on my main  machine - the Raptor
Engineering Blackbird. This OpenPOWER workstation has "just" 4-core CPU
(16 threads) which  is still OK for  most of tasks. But these  32 GB of
RAM are not enough for some tasks. I occasionally need to generate some
larger data  sets and typical size  is about 39  GB. This is OK  but it
means swapping to  the disk. Not only  swapping is not ideal  for a SSD
but it also greatly slows things down.

Thus  I  have decided  to  upgrade  my RAM  to  64  GB. It's  easy  and
relatively inexpensive these  days - I got  a pair of never  used 32 GB
ECC RAM sticks for some 70 EUR. The  only problem is that I have had to
remove my older RAM moduli because the Blackbird has just 2 RAM slots.

Is there  anyone in  the EU  who needs  a pair  of Blacbird/Talos  II -
compatible RAM (2x16 GB) jsut for shipping costs?

In any case I am now testing them.  Some 40 GB are in use now. The rest
is still free. But I thing that a need to make larger models will arise