State of my computing: October 2023

It seems I didn't write anything here  for a long time. Perhaps a shift
of interests but certainly a lack of  time. In practice it means that I
use computers for  www browsing, office work and such  stuff instead of
fun/hobby things.

In any case I decided to summarise what I am using and for what purpose
(except the work computers).

Blackbird  (desktop   workstation):  OpenPOWER,  Fedora:   WWW,  LaTeX,
OpenSCAD, some FEA modellina, Adruino  programming and so on. About 60%
of all computing time.

Eggplant  (MNT Reform  2 laptop):  ARM, Debian:  WWW, OpenSCAD,  Prusal
Slicer  (because  it is  pre-compiled  for  the ARM),  Arduino,  LaTeX,
OpenOffice. About 30% of all computing time.

Android phone  (Sony Xperia): remote  controller of our  home equipment
and  backup  digital  camera  (I  definitely have  to  try  an  Android
emulation on a POWER or the ARM).

reMarkable 2: PDF reader (I rarely write/annotate here).

PSION Organiser II: alarm clock for msot of time.

SMARS robot (Arduino UNO): checking of otherwise inaccessible places in
my home and our cottage.

I think that's all. I sometimes open  the PSION MC400 or MC600 to check
it they  don't need to  replace batteries. Any  of my Palms  don't have
batteries for months.

I occasionally run the SGI O2 like now when it serves for writing of this post. But that's all. Maybe it will change in the future (I hope).