RISC-V on MNT closer than expected?

There was some discussion on social networks about the MilkV [1] board.
It's  a  board which  is  physically  compatible with  the  RapsberryPi
Compute Module. Thus (in the ideal case) can be used with the MNT's CM4
adapter board [2]. Nobody  have tried it (yet) as the  MilkV is only in
an  pre-order phase.  There can  be surprises  and performance  will be
probably worse than performance of the MNT's original CPU board bud one
never know. The CPU  is similar to the SiFive 2's [3]  one thus one can
expect similar performance.

In case that  thinks will go well it  may be a way to  the first actual
RISC-V laptop. Anyone is going to try that?

[1] https://arace.tech/products/milk-v-mars-cm?variant=42342172229812
[2] https://shop.mntre.com/products/mnt-reform-cm4-processor-module-adapter
[3] https://www.starfivetech.com/en/site/boards