Sinclair A-Bike

I once owned  this thing [1]. It  was around 2008, I think.  It was the
second, updated model with larger (inflatable to 90 psi) wheels.

If I remember correctly  I was very unsatisfied with it  - it wasn't as
small as I expected and it was rather uncomfortable when carried in its
dedicated backpack. But as a bike it was quite a disaster. It rode well
only  on ideally  flat surfaces  (like corridors  in buildings).  And I
wasn't able to  climb anything (there are no ideally  level surfaces in
the real world). The final problem  was that one of plastic parts broke
after a few weeks of use. So I sold it.

I wasn't the only one who was  unsatisfied with it. I was told that the
bike was a sort of disaster.

And now  I have bought another  one. The first model  with ever smaller
wheels. And I am rather satisfied with  it. It really does not ride any
better that the later model but now I know about its limits and I don't
expect too much.


[1] gopher://