MNT Reform 2 once more: RTC battery

My machine  had some strange issues  - it didn't remembered  time after
being powered off. This is a bit strange for a notebook which have also
main battery but it worked this way.

So  I  have  tried  to  replace the  RTC  battery.  Fortunately  it  is
relatively easily  available (unlike  the RTC battery  in the  PSION MC

For my surprise it's a fairly small cell battery (the CR1220). I have a
load of  CR1620 and  CR2016 batteries  but I never  used so  small one.
Fortunately it was easy to buy.

So I  have replaced the old  one with the new  one and now the  time is
kept (and the hwclock -w works, too!).

I  my opinion  the problem  was  that the  board with  the RTC  battery
inserted was lying for too long (more than a year, I assume).

OK, now  I have to install  the "par" utility  to be able to  format my
phlogs on the MNT (I am using the SGI O2 just now).