MNT Reform 2, nm-tui and EDUROAM

The  default OS  of  the  Reform uses  the  "nm-tui" curses-based  user
interface for the NetworkManager. It makes sense because one can easily
configure network  access no  matter if GUI  (the Wayland)  is running,
working or installed at all.

The  problem  is the  EDUROAM  [1].  Almost  all universities  use  the
"eduroam" WiFi  network for universal access  (and many of them  as the
only viable way of WiFi access  at all). This network is also available
at other  places (for  example at some  bigger Czech  railway stations)
with the same connection requirements: the connection method is the WPA
Enterprise. The nm-tui tool do not support it.

But the command-line  tool (nmcli) does and there are  some good people
[2] who figured out how to use it to connect to the EDUROAM:

sudo nmcli connection add  type wifi con-name "eduroam" ifname $(/sbin/ifconfig | grep -i w | cut -d":" -f 1) ssid "eduroam" -- wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-eap 802-1x.eap peap  802-1x.phase2-auth mschapv2 802-1x.identity "your@email"

And it works this way.

