Thinkpad longevity

I just finished reading a post of The Sysops Tale Phlog [1]. It's about
upgrades of  an old Thinkpad  R60. I must say  I like the  old Thinkpad
machines much. In my opinion the 60/61 line are the last machines which
still have  a strong  IBM spirit. They  are sturdy,  practical machines
with  great keyboards.  Still  easily upgradable  by today's  standards
(batteries are easy  to remove, CPU/RAM/HDD relatively  easy to replace
and there are bays for swap-on drives/batteries in most of devices).

Yes, displays are often not excellent but they are usable and reliable,

I still do have the x61s laptop. I tried to retire it many times (for a
reason, it's  far from perfect)  but it  still serves as  my Linux-only
machine at work  and it's Core2Duo CPU (at just  1.6 GHz) still handles
most of tasks without difficulties.

While I already have got its planned  replacement - the MNT Reform - is
seems that  my poor old  x61s will remain on  its current place  in its
current  role for  some time.  It still  works well  and has  a working
suspend, among others.

Written on the MNT Reform 2.


[1] gopher://