Overeaf + Git

I am  not a fan  of on-line editors but  they have some  nice features.
Concurrent work of several people,  availability on devices where it is
not easy to install the real thing and so on.

My university has  the Overleaf [1] subscription (among  others). I was
very sceptical about it  but it is rather easy to  use LaTeX editor. It
has some "interactive"  mode but it also works in  traditional way: the
text being written  and edited in a "text editor"  and the result being
displayed in an another window after compilation.

It requires  rather modern WWW browser  (so no Lynxes, no  Firefoxes on
SGI or so) but it works on fairly new tablets and phones (including hte
current  Ubuntu Touch  devices!). I  have successfully  used it  on the
Aquaris M10 tablet (with the Ubuntu Touch), for example.

The nice  thing is that  the LaTeX sources  can be downloaded  and used
outside the editor. Ever nicer thing is that it is possible to have the
Git [2] enabled and used for synchronisation.

It is of course  not perfect - the comment: "Update  on Overleaf" is on
little help.  And it updates only  when "git pull" is  requested (so no
history  of changes  done  inside the  Overleaf is  saved).  But it  is
indefinitely better that have nothing.


[1] https://overleaf.com
[2] gopher://gopherpedia.com/0/Git