
There are many people who like to  use (and thus repair or enhance) old
computers.  I  am doing  so,  by  the way.  But  it  seems that  people
generally like other old things, too.

For example, bikes. I  shared a picture of my old  bike at Mastodon [1]
(for these who  read gopher from real computers I  also put the picture
here: [2]). I was surprised how many people like this picture.

Maybe it  might be some  form of nostalgia?  We like things  from times
when we  were (much) younger  or things we  know from our  parent's old

Especially nice was reaction of snowdusk  as I think that they were his
gopher posts  about repairing of older  bikes that motivated me  to try
something like this.

Just for  reference: this is an  old Czechoslovak "racing" bike  of the
Favorit brand. It probably originally came with the drop-down bars. The
previous  owner salvaged  the frame,  had  it repainted  and added  new
handlebars and  gearing (5-speed Sturmey-Archer stuff  so definitely it
is no longer possible to ride fast on this bike) and so.

I just added the rest to  make the bike comfortable (mudguards, various
holders, new Velospring handlebars, new saddle and so on). Now it feels
like  a new  bike. It  is not  fast but  it is  excellent for  relaxing

Well, now back to computers. I should finis that damn BBC BASIC program
and transfer it to the Z88...


[2] gopher://