Bike update

Weather was still good at Saturday so I  was able to do a short (14 km)
ride. I decided to use my single-speed Velamos bike (a 1960s thing). It
has updated  recently: I have replaced  the Brooks B17 saddle  with the
more  matching  Stadion  one  (a Czechoslovak  leather  saddle  without
springs). The B17 will be used with a more modern bike. I also replaced
the chain, fixed the pedals and so.  However, I did not have new 635-40
tyres so there still have been installed the old good Barum ones of the
Czechoslovak  vintage. They  are at  least 40  years old  now. As  they
already caused some inner tubes defects  they are going to be replaced.
But until the new ones (of the  Czech brand Mitas) arrive I have to use
the old ones.

Thus I was over-cautious during my Saturday ride. I have reduced my big
plans to a short circle through few nearby villages. This meant however
more steeper  climbing (not  too suitable  for my  single-speed veteran

Well, it was  easier than I anticipated.  I can do the same  in about a
half of time when use the 5-speed bike.  But this time I spend a lot of
time  i making  of  pictures and  in enjoying  autumn  views. Also  the
headwind has quite strong for most of time.

In short, it was a nice ride!