
Just read that Sir  Clive passed away. So I turned  on my Cambridge Z88
to commemorate one  of his last achievements (it is  his last computer,
isn't it?).

I never used his most famous  creation, the ZX Spectrum (I only briefly
owned one of  local clones back in early 1990s  but never actually used
it). I also had  the A-bike but it was not  useful in local environment
(quality of cycle paths was too poor to  its 7" wheels - and I was also
too heavy for it - about 80 kg with my backpack).

But I like  the Z88 very much. An excellent  portable machine with full
size keyboard and  quite balanced software (though I  use the QuickEdit
rather  than the  PipeDream for  text  editing). It  is a  masterpiece,
I think.

Rest in peace Sir Clive!