Gemini PDA (re:RPoD)

I just read the RPoD Phlog [1] about his Gemini PDA device. I also have
this thing but I use it very infrequently. In general it is better than
the old PSION geeks  think but it is not as good as  I need. The screen
is excellent  and the keyboard is  not bad but the  hinges are terrible
(the whole thing moves when I type on the keyboard and I am not able to
accustom to it). Also the  original Gemini PDA (especially my WiFi-only
model) is long  abandoned by the producer. Yes, they  still sell it but
they don't update nor patch its Android system. In theory I can replace
it by the SailFish OS but it  would mean loss of ability to run Android
program (the SailFish  for the Gemini PDA does not  have this feature).
Also the rear camera is terrible.  It produces ugly pictures and it has
problems with QR code  reading (the QR codes are the  main reason why I
have installed such  thing on my Gemini - it  looks much better without
the rear camera).

Anyway,  I have  been  slowly  increasing its  usage.  It's the  newest
Android device we  have at home and  as such it's used  for tasks which
require Android - to rent  shared bikes, to store discount applications
for some stores  (which refuse to issue traditional  plastic cards) and
(which is the most important  these days) for the CovidPass application
(it is  nice that the  Czech CovidPass application can  store unlimited
amount of these COVID  passes so the same device can be  used by me and
by mi wife). Of course I always  carry a paper version of the CovidPass
as a backup.

Anyway, a new open-source application for dealing with CovidPasses have
emerged. It runs on the Ubuntu Touch and it is already available in the
Open Store [2]. It  seems to work well but I have not  tested it in any
real-life situation, yet.  It would be preferable to carry  a small old
Ubuntu Touch  phone (the BQ Aquaris  E4.5 in my case)  than the bulkier
and more fragile Gemini PDA, I think.

Still, the  Gemini PDA  is a  good thing when  I need  relatively small
device to  write/edit texts or  to connect  to some SSH  servers. These
situations are  rare for  me now (I  have not used  ANY mean  of public
transport for more than  12 months - I only move on foot,  on a bike or
by car now), however.


[1] gopher://