Ubuntu Touch News Update

Yesterday I was too happy. After some more installations the LibreOffice stopped to work. Well, it works when started from the ROXterm but nut as standalone application (via its menu item). And there are other caveats. SO I still cannot install the TeX, the GNu Octave and so on.

What works for me:

- Vim / gVim
- Startict (the CLI "sdcv" tool, actually)
- gcc/make/...
- Mathomatic
- Gnuplot (with "set term x11")
- units
- apcalc (calc)
- SC spreadsheet
- todo-txt
- Remind
- ROXterm (I use this emulator as it has relatively few dependecies)
- Lynx

And probably some other things, too.

I can compile the Gtk+ (v2) and  OpenGL applications and I a am able to
actually run them. This is more  important for me than some damn office