Pocket Office, 1980s style

A modern office package usually include a word processor, a spreadsheet
and maybe a bit  more. The same stuff can be used  on a smartphone. But
was there something like that available  during late 1980s? It was. For
example, there was  a spreadsheet and the word processor  for the PSION
Organiser II. They were called the PSION Spreadsheet and the AutoScribe
Plus. They were quite powerful for their time.

I am writing this text on the PSION Organiser II LZ in the Autoscribe.

It (of  course) cannot  do different  fonts but  it can  do rudimentary
formatting,  wrap  lines,  insert   special  symbols  (including  Greek
letters)  and more.  It  can  also send  and  receive  files via  PSION
CommsLink. Not a bad piece of software,  I think. There is a search and
replace function, too. The only thing  I miss is the spell checker. But
it was probably unfeasible on so constrained device.

The  spreadsheet  application is  also  available.  I have  had  little
reasons to  use it so far.  Actually I only have  used i to make  a few
simple tables. But it seems to be nice, too.

P.S. This text  was written in the Autoscribe on  my PSION Organiser II
Model LZ. It was then re-formatted on a desktop, of course.