Fedora 33 ppc64le

Last  week my  Fedora Linux  (on my  POWER9 desktop,  so the  Fedora 32
ppc64le)  started to  behave  strangely. The  Firefox  started to  fail
randomly, sound disappeared and so. As mu  Fedora 32 is about to end of
life I decided to to upgrade.

The Fedora upgdrade process is realtively easy:

- sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
- sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
- sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=33
- sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot
- sudo dnf system-upgrade clean

It  almost  worked except  some  details.  I experienced  the  librsvg2
problem  [1] in  the past  so I  had an  "exclude=librsvg2" line  in my
"/etc/dnf/dnf.conf" which reliably locked the "system-upgrade download"
inside the dependency hell.

Then I deleted  the downloaded files (I executed the  "clean" comand by
my mistake) so I had to repeat the whole download procedure.

After that  I rebooted  the thing -  and then had  to wait  some twenty
minutes in front of blank screen. So weird.

But after  some time the system  booted and started to  work. Visually,
nothing changed (I use the MATE instead of the default GNOME because it
is, well,  conservative) but  the system now  identifies itself  as the
Fedora 33. The sound is back but  the Firefox still fails on pages with
embedded videos. So I have to use the Chromnium for such pages.


[1] https://www.talospace.com/2019/10/librsvg2-issue-on-ppc64le.html