9front on bare metal

I decided to cease  my QEMU experiments and to try the  9front [1] on a
real thing. My wife's old Lenovo x60 has been collecting dust for years
so I have  decided to use is  as a Plan 9 system.  The installation was
.. easy. Just as with some Linuxes:  I inserted the CD and then had to
press the  Enter many times to  accept default option in  most of cases
(the 9front book was very useful).

At  the moment  I have  working network  (wired). I  installed the  Git
client and the  Gopher client and now  are playing with the  APE (it is
easier for me so start with something common).

By the way, the  Mothra (the WWW client) can browse  all sites like the
Google search, the Technomorous.eu and so.

P.S. To write this post I used remote connection to the SDF.org from my
new Plan 9 system.


[1] http://9front.org