SCSI2SD v5.5

I'm still  improving my new  computer room.  One of the  most important
issues is data exchange. I don't have a floppy or other removable media
here so I have got a SCSI2SD  card (version 5.5 with the DB25 connector
and with a nice translucent box).

It was  a sort of mistake  on my side  because it has a  male connector
(this specific  version was meant  for cable-free use with  the Apple's
pizza boxes). So I  have had to make a whole chain  of adapters (big 50
pin  to small  50  pin and  50  pin to  20 pin  one).  The whole  thing
(including the SCSI2SD box itself) is about 100mm long.

It was  necessary so set  up the device  with a Linux-based  utility (I
failed do  compiled it on the  ppc64le so I  have used my GPD  Pocket -
which is an Intel-based computer - to  run the utility). I have set the
SCSI2SD as  a hard  drive with  the SCSI  ID=4. I  have inserted  a 4GB
microSD card into the device.

I  have connected  the whole  thing (plus  an USB  powerbank) to  a SGI
Indigo with the IRIX 5.3. The only issue was that the IRIX Disk Manager
cannot indicate  correct size of  this "disk".  But other tools  see it
correctly. And  speed is OK. It  seems to be comparable  with an actual
HDD (that's  a big improvement  over my old  SCSI, version 2  which was
slow as hell on old SGIs).

I'm now copying date to the disk. The next step will be connecting it to
the other indigo in the my remote computer room...