MC400 serial link

I have tried  to connect my PSION  MC400 [1] to a  desktop computer (to
the  Raptor  CS Blackbird  [2]  with  the  Fedora Linux).  For  unknown
reasons I  never tried to connect  the MC400 before. Both  devices have
serial ports  (though I have  been using  am USB-Serial adapter  on the

It works.

I  have  used the  Minicom  on  the  Fedora  and the  default  Terminal
application on the MC400. The Minicom  parameters have been the same as
for the Z88:

minicom -8 -b 9600 -D /dev/ttyUSB1

Then  it worked.  I have  to select  the XMODEM  [3] protocol  in MC400
Terminal Options  and used the same  for the Minicom. Both  sending and
receiving of files works as expected  (I have tried some text files and
a binary on - the WK1 spreadsheet file).

By the  way, the necessary  cable is the  normal PSION Series  3/3a [4]
serial cable. The Series 3 specific  part with the firmware chip can be
disconnected and the rest is the needed MC cable.

P.S. Initially I wanted to use the MC Link application. But on my MC400
it does not work at all for  some reasons. I will try to investigate it


[1] gopher://
[2] gopher://
[3] gopher://
[3] gopher://