Lynx for Mac OS X (easy way)

If you  NEED the Lynx  [1] on your PowerPC  Mac then there  are several
ways.  OF course  there are  several Linux-like  or BSD-like  packaging
systems. But if the Lynx it one's  only need is the Lynx itself then it
might be better to use an installer in a DMG package.

I have found two options. The first is the Lynxlet [2]. It provides not
only the Lynx  but also the launcher  with an icon (so one  can put the
icon to the  Dock for easy access).  It sounds good but  in practice it
has some limitations:

- it starts a new iTerm window (I dind't find a way to use iTerm2),
- the lynx_bookmarks.html is saved in a strange place,
- it does not remember setting (font, initial window size and so).

The second way is  just a pre-compiled Lynx [3], [4].  It's just a Lynx
binary which works as expected (one needs to run an installation script
to  set the  correct  $PATH). Then  it works  as  expected (except  the
default start-up  address is the  which is no
longer active). So I can open the iTerm2 and call the "lynx" as I do on
all other computers.

I tested both and obviously decided to keep the second one [3].

But  one has  to  remember that  all these  versions  are obsolete  and
insecure. There  is probably little  (if any)  risk when one  uses them
just to browse  Gopher but it might be better  to install Sevan's stuff
[5] and to build the Lynx by oneself...

