HP TouchPad keyboard troubles

I  wrote here  some  time ago  that  I have  an  original "HP  TouchPad
Keyboard"  device -  a  well-made bluetooth  keyboard with  WebOS-aware
layout. IT was specially designed  for the ill-fated HP TouchPad tablet
(a competitor of the first iPad).

My  TouchPad  runs  the  Cyanogenmod (a  community  Android  port)  for
practical  reasons so  the keyboard  layout is  not ideal.  But I  also
noticed  that  it  works  perfectly  in  some  applications  (like  the
Terminal) but  not in others. The  main issues is functionality  of the
"Symbols" key: it works in the Terminal  (but NOT in the Vim - it works
well with the shell) but does nothing in GUI apps like the WWW browser.

It is a bit  strange. I like the device and I do  have several task for
it. So I will have to fix this issue..