Cambridge Z88

I have got the Cambridge Z88 [1].  I already have one but it is broken.
This  one works.  I actually  have  little idea  what to  do with  this
portable computer. It was the impulse buy case.

Anyway, the  device is nice  and it works. It  has two 512kB  RAM packs
inserted and there are some accessories which arrived with the device:

* two (!) EEPROM erasers
* two parallel link cables
* on serial link cable
* a bunch of RAM packs (some are 32kB, some 128kB, some 521kB)
* several EEPROM packs (again,  some are 32kB, some 128kB, some 521kB)
* two (!) user guides

I have tried  the serial connection. I'm not able  to find any software
which can use the build-in Import/Export  function. But it work with an
usual serial communication software (like  the Minicom) anyway [2]. The
device has a  PC-Link II EEPROM pakc  but I do not have  the PC-Link II
DOS software (I do have a cable, a Z88 EEPROM, even an original box but
no PC software - that's stupid, isn't it?).

So I have started  to mess up with the PipeDream.  The text editor with
build-in spreadsheet capabilities  is a nice idea. But at  the moment I
still don't know how to use it's files on my Linux machine. The [3] was
ability to convert them to the RTF but  it uses the Python 2. And I use
the Fedora now and I you might know the Fedora developers don't support
ancient stuff like the Python 2 is...

There is also the  BBC Basic [4]. It seems that I will  be able to port
some of my BASIC stuff here with minor effort. That's good to know.

And now back to PSION! ;-)


[1] gopher://