Tungsten W + PalmPix

As you may know I do have a Palm Tungsten W. And I als othave the KODAK
PalmPix for m5xx  devices. So I have almost modern  smarphone (jsut 17
years old!) with the (detachable camera).

The  problem was  that  the  camera required  software.  I  have had  a
palmpix.prc driver  version 1.x which  worker perfectly with  the early
PalmPix device and the Palm III. The old driver failed on the Tungsten.
Even worse, it caused device to hand.

Now  Logout [1]  sent  me the  newer  driver. The  file  is also  named
"palmpix.prc" but  it was  accompanied by  a "PalmPixLib.prc"  file and
wuth a README  file where it was  stated that the Palm  OS 4.1 requires
both files. So I have installed them both.

And it helped. It is not perfect - the application is obviously written
for  160x160 screen  and Tungsten  W's 320x320  made it  crazy. In  the
preview window  there are  two tiny, deformed  and wrongly  placed live
preview instead of the big one. But it takes pictures just fine.

The TungPix [2] program should be much  better but it is available as a
shareware with 30-day testing time and  the author does not react to my
attempts to register it (I assume that he is no longer alive).

So I am really happy now.


[1] http://vivapowerpc.eu
[2] http://www.handheldshell.com/oldsoftware/TungPix.php