CPU and RAM Usage

At  the moment  I am  using my  SGI Indigo  workstation (it  is a  1991
computer with a  33 MHz 32bit CPU and  no less than 80 MB  of RAM). I'm
using it for surf the gopherspace at the moment. I a using the Netscape

Of course there  is othe software running: the  VCal graphical calendar
program, some GUI utilities and some shells.

There are strict limitations, of course: is is not possible to play MP3
files (with  the mpg123) and use  more than one Netscape  window at the
same moment  (it is possible to  open more windows of  course but there
will be problems  with MP3 playback). Of course playing  MP3 files on a
computer from 1990  or 1991 is a  sort of magic so ability  to do other
things in the same time is rather unexpected bonus.

Playing of  music CDs during  is much easier  and does not  limit other
computer operations (if one has a compatible CD drive, of course).

So not I'm playing  any music just now - I'm  just browsing and writing
this text. I already have opened 50  (I really mean fifty, not five nor
fifteen) Netscape windows with new  phlog posts. And the computer still
works and IT IS FAST. Not too bad for 29 years old machine!

Of course  the working environment  is the  X Window System  (the XSgi)
with  full Indigo  Magic  Desktop (Motif/MWM  based)  and with  virtual
desktops (but I have configured only 4 virtual desktops here)...