
I often read electronic texts. E-books, PDFs, WWW pages and so.

For e-books I prefer  to use my Kindle (an old 2013  model). But I also
have a lot of texts in PalmDOC and Plucker formats. These can be red on
almost  any PDA  or computer/laptop/tablet  (except the  Kindle). As  I
usually read them in a bed it is practical to use a small device with a
passive  screen. The  Palm is  thus my  logical choice.  I prefer  IIIx
because of its superb screen (IIIxe screens are worse for some reason).
The  Tungsten W  is  also an  option (its  screen  is readable  without
backlight) but it has an USB-only  cradle. I still prepare the files on
the SGI O2 which has a serial port but no USB.

Long life Palm IIIx!

Written on the Palm XXXx, of course.