Ghost In Box

Today in  the morning something strange  happened. When I turned  on my
Blackbird then  (as usual) i  ran all the fan  on high speed.  That was
normal. But when the Fedora booted  then fans continued to ran on highs
speed. It  was a  bit noisy  but the CPU  temperatures were  54 degrees
(Celsius) at max.

When I  turned the system  off and started it  after few hours  then it
behave "normally"  - the  fans were much  quieter and  CPU temperatures
were about 62~65  degrees (it I didn't  noticed it here: I  add a third
fan to the  system and it seems to  be able to cool CPU  to 60+ degrees
instead of 70+).

Today was unusually  cold day (24 degrees). In all  previous days there
were outside temperatures in 29~34 range. But this does not explain why
the system decided to put all fans on full speed.

Well,  my O2  behaviour  is  sometimes similar  -  during  hot days  it
sometimes runs  its fan on (relatively)  low speed and in  cold days it
sometimes  decides  that full  speed  is  the  only option...  And  the
Blackbird now sits on the place that the poor old O2 used to occupy...

I have no natural explanation for this. Maybe some ghosts are inside?