
I sometimes need to convert a HTML file for reading on my Palm III.

It is possible  to use "lynx -dump"  command to make a  text file which
can be then converted with the  "txt2pdbdoc" tool to the Palm DOC file.
But the resulting DOC file is  not nicely formatted. Yes, the text file
can be  re-formatted by  standard tools  but why  not to  use something
which is already available?

There  is a  Perl  scrip called  "html2pdbtxt".  It is  a  part of  the
"txt2pdbdoc" [1],[2]  distribution and  it not  only removes  HTML tags
from file but  also re-formates it to make it  better for conversion to
the DOC format.

Thus one needs to use two commands:

html2pdbtxt file.html file.txt
txt2pdbdoc "File Title" file.txt file.pdb

Of course the html2pdbtxt can also download files it the "-u" parameter
("html2pdbtxt -u http://somewhere/something").

The resulting file  looks good when viewed in the  CSpotRun viewer on a
Palm PDA.

