
At  the  moment I  am  preparing  some tests  for  my  students (for  a
structural mechanics course at the faculty of civil engineering).

Thus I am using these tools:

1. My MicroDef [1] software to design test problems.
2. The XFig [2]  to make pictures look better  (the MicroDef can export
  pictures in XFig format but they still are somewhat rough).
3. The gVim [3] to prepare LaTeX source file.
4. The LaTeX [4] to typeset the document.

All of  them are fast enough  on my SGI O2  workstation. Actually, they
are exactly as fast  as they were in 2005 when I  got this computer and
have started to use these tool on it.


[1] git://
[2] gopher://
[3] gopher://
[4] gopher://
[5] gopher://