Suicide Attempt of Mozilla?

It seems that the Mozilla Foundation  [1] have been trying to make its
own suicide have no other explanation for what they have been doing.

At first they eliminated the 32bit builds of the FireFox. It might be a
sound strategy for  desktop as the MacOS is 64bit-only  for years, most
of Linux distributions are abandoning of 32bit ports and the Window are
going in the same way. But there are still many 32bit devices (ever new
ones!) and the FireFox used to run  well on them. Yes, it is noticeably
SLOWER than the  Chrome/Chromium browsers on the same  hardware. But it
consumes much less RAM. On my ODROID ARM desktop it is easy tor run out
the RAM  with the Chromium:  when I open  enough browser tabs  then the
device freezes and  only after many minutes it allows  me to close some
tabs or the Chromium is killed  by the kernel. The Firefox never caused
that - the device was always at least barely responsible.

The second issue is their problem with Firefox extensions, you know [2].

I don't like the  idea about one WWW browser for all  but it seems that
the Mozilla Foundation  is actively promoting this  idea and supporting
the Webkit/Chrome supremacy...

