Palm AddressBook

Not much interesting happened this week:

- I lost a stylus for the Palm IIIxe (I still have some spare ones)
- I repaired tyres of both our bikes
- I damaged a tyre of my bike shortly after that repair

Probably the only positive thing is the updated AddressBook database in
my  Palm IIIxe.  It's not  perfect but  the update  was necessary  as I
haven't update it for ages.

I have found a vcs2csv utility [1] but this time I used a GUI approach.
I obtained  a VCF file from  my phone (not  from the Punkt but  from an
older one) and  the I used the  Palm Desktop for Mac  (just dragged the
file to the Addressbook window).
It might look super-easy  but it isn't as the VCF  was encodd in UTF-8
and  my  palm uses  CP1250  encoding.  So  most  of local  names  were
unreadable so I have  had to edit all of them (and  also to merge some
of  duplicate  records).  I  also  deleted  addresses  of  non-active

I might  try to use the  vcs2csv tool, then convert  encodings properly
and only then to sync the file  to the Palm.... The problem is that the
pilot-addresses [2]  tool requires  a comma  separated file  with given
order of fields so some more work will be required.

