
I  have started  to use  the Brutaldon  [1] interface  to the  Mastodon
services.  The software  is described  as a  "brutalistic interface  to
Mastodon" and it actually is - simple and crude but effective.

For me the important point is that it works with the Firefox 3.x on the
IRIX so I am able to access my Mastodon account from my workstation. It
is not fast on my 250MHz CPU, of course.

There  is  just  one  issue  which  I  don't  understand:  the  images.
Everything here is  served via HTTPS protocol so I  assumed that images
are not accessible because the images  serves uses some cipher which is
too hard or simply not supported by  SSL of my Firefox (which is normal
as decades old  MIPS CPU in IRIX workstations simply  can't handle more
complicated ciphers so they were not included in the current SSL port).

But sometimes the  image are loading. And when I  refresh the page then
they longer appear. Well, sometimes. I don't understand this behaviour.

