PalmPix Once More

I have  been using my Palm  IIIxe with the Kodak  PalmPix add-on camera
module rather frequently.  Quality of images is low, of  course. It can
do only 640x480, fixed focus only and color range is very limited. Even
my HP digital compact camera from 2003 is much better.

I never  liked to use  a phone to take  pictures. Also cameras  in most
phones which I had were of low quality (a Nokia E52, a bq Aquaris E4.5,
an iPhone 3G -the HP 750 camera beats them all).

The PalmPix  may be  even worse  tahn any of  the mentioned  phones but
using it  is fun: the  only way  to point the  camera is use  of Palm's
back-and-white  screen. It  is  not easy  to identify  what  is on  the
screen, by the way.  So it is always a great  surprise what is actually
on the picture.  And sometimes the pictures are usable.  I like to take
pictures this way...