Metro (Palm) and i-Metro

I thought that the  Metro [1] is dead but it still  isn't. If you don't
know  what the  Metro is:  it is  a Palm  OS (Symbian/Android/PocketPC)
application which  can find a  public transport connection for  you. It
stores all  its data off-line  (of course) and  it often uses  only the
metro lines  (thus its  name). The data  about transport  in particular
cities are  prepared by volunteers so  quality of the data  varies from
city to city. For example, Paris or Berlin data are often updated, even
to include  temporary changes. The  data for  Ostrava (my city)  or for
Prague were not updated for years.

The program was initially developed for  the Palm OS (and it still uses
Palm-compatible data format) and ports for other platforms were created
during time. For example, there is a  Android port [2] which is old and
ugly but  functional (it  does work  even on  the Gemini  PDA including
on-line download  of data files).  The Android port must  be downloaded
from here [3] because it is still not included in any "market".

Of course, I re-installed it on my Palm III ;-)

There is  also an  on-line interface  to the Metro  which is  meant for
unsupported devices which have at least basic WWW browser - the i-Metro
[4]. The small-screen version is here [5].

It even works in the Links browser [6]  (so I have to test it on my Ben
NanoNote [7]).


[7] gopher://