My portable stuff in 2017

Sharp Zaurus

I have been using 2 Sharp Zaurus machines: the SL-C3200 (a small clamshell one
with 6 GB harddisk) for some development and the SL-C750 (an older clamshell
model without the HDD) for some senseless writing, reading and for listening
music. In the second half of 2017 I also put battery to a Palm-style Zaurus the
SL6000N (it's much bigger and heavier than any Palm) and used it for a while
(music playback, testing of various applications).

But I have found so they are idle most of time. So I decided to remove
batteries from all of them and put them to storage (at least for some time).

Openmoko phones

I tried to repair my GTA-04 phone. There was a broken button. So I glued it to
it's place, soldered the contacts and ... broke it once more after three days.
I also noticed that it's power consumption issues are still not resolved so it
makes little sense to use it more frequently.

Then I have got an old and cheap GTA-02 one (the original Freerunner). I have
installed the QtMoko distribution here (just to to find that some of important
3rd party software pieces - like the dictionary - are no longer available).
This piece has not repaired the bug that caused power consumption problems (no
deep sleep of GSM model is available) so it's also not suited for frequent use.

Thus I put both to storage.


Only one (the Series 3a machine with 2 MB of RAM) is active. I used it to test
if the p3nfs software works in the IRIX 5 (on the old SGI IRIS Indigo computer)
- and it does.

There is little use other of that - the Psion is too heavy for me. So most time
it sits on my desk quietly.

There is also the Psion MC600 - not a PDA but a MS-DOS laptop. But it runs on
AA batteries (on 8 of them!), too. I use it when I wist to write something
(like this text...) or to compute something really small in the bed or on the

Nokia Internet Tablet

I still have the Nokia 770 (I got it as a new in 2006) but I only started it to
verify that it still lives. In the first half of the year I got the N910 (a
never one with keyboard, it's from 2009) but it makes little sense to carry
such device just to be able to play DopeWars... Both of them is able to be used
as a navigation tool (obviously, the 770 requires use of Bluetooth GPS receiver
and I even got a Navicore program for it) but there is no way to get a modern
navigation software for them (well, I don't thing that the NavIt is a usable
one). So they saw little use in 2017.

MS-DOS stuff

No HP LX machine not the Atari Portfolio was used in 2017.

GPD Pocket

I received it this year and I use it as my main laptop. But it's a boring x86
machine with the Ubuntu. So there is little to say as now it just works.

Sharp NetWalker

An ARM device meant to run Ubuntu. A similar class as the GPD Pocket, just much
older. I must say that I expected more (better hardware at least). I have got
it recently and I'm still playing with it.

Palm stuff

It might be unexpected but it's the PDA that I used in 2017 the most
frequently: to keep passwords, to read WWW offline (via the Plucker), to read
eBooks (Cspotrun) and as a shopping list and so. I use the Palm IIIx at home
and recently I have started to use the Palm IIIe outdoors (for shopping,
reading and as a platform for the Kodak PalmPix camera).

I shortly tried to return the Fossil smartwatch to live (it's nothing more than
a scaled-down Palm III) but I have experienced the same problem with a hardware
button as I had with my GTA04 phone.

USSR Stuff

I use the simplest one - the Elektronika MK-52 programmable calculator - as my
main desk calculator. No new program was written for them.

I have tried to make some BASIC programs on the Elektronika MK-90 device. It is
great fun but I didn't find enough time in 2017 to finish anything interesting.
And none of my MK-85s was really used in 2017 (the same applies to the Casio