Random notes

My  most frequently used app is the Plucker (I do use it for reading
in the bed). The second one is the ToDo - for shopping. And the third
is the Keyring (I actually remember many on my passwords so I do not
need it so often these days). The Memo (a Palm notepad) is used mostly
to store links exported from the Plucker. This text is one of the few
text directly written by me with use of the Memo, BTW.

Evernote CLI client:
I have to find a Gopher post related to this. I do use an official
client on my work machine (W10), a Notes app on the Ubuntu Touch phone
and the NixNote on my GPD Pocket. But a good CLI tool can make some
automation easier (the GeekNote [1]). I should test it.

I still use my O2 for most of actual work at home. The newer toys
still do not help here. But the GPD Pocket is a nice travel tool indeed
(just because there is on portable SGI workstation as far as I know).

[1] gopher://sdf.org:70/0/users/dbucklin/posts/2017-05-25-geeknote-evernote-