
Today I have to update my slides for my teaching (I work at the Structural
Mechanics department at the Civil Engineering faculty).

My computer is the SGI O2 with the IRIX and the typical workflow is:
* gvim + xfig -> latex -> xdvi

Of course I call also the "ispell" and other tools from the vim.

If everything is OK, then:
* dvips -> dvipdf -> xpdf

One might wonder why I use "latex -> dvips -> ps2pdf" chain and not just the
"pdflatex". It's because the older "pdflatex" versions worked only with PNG and
PDF images but not with the traditional PostScript (PS, EPS) ones. The latest
"pdflatex" versions probably fixed this but I still haven't managed to install
the new TeXlive distribution on my SGI O2 (do they still support the SGI/IRIX
platform?). I have most of my images in EPS format (they were produced by the
XFig, the Gnuplot, the GNU Octave or by other tools including my own programs)
so it's easier for me to work with the older "latex" which can process
PostScript files.