HW vs SW calculator

After reading Logout's post [1] about hardware calculator I tried to estimate
how often I use a traditional hardware device for calculations (in my case it's
or the Elektronika MK-52 [2] or the Elektronika PP-01) and how often I use some
software on my desktop computer. I mean for simple computations only - I'm not
so mad to do finite element computations on a calculator.  I'm also not count
here the computations which are done with a dedicated application or which use
the GNU Octave.

It seems that at work I use the hardware on in 70% of cases. The rest is either
the W10 calculator (if a very rare cases) or the MS Excel (the last is mostly
for things that require doing of longer sums or that require repeating of some
equations). In short: for actual computations (for structural mechanics, for
example) I prefer the MK-52. For office-type computations I use the spreadsheet

At home it's different. I also have the MK-52 on my desk but I'm able to do
most of things with use of the "calc" program [3], [4]. It works on the IRIX,
too and it can do all the basic things that I need.

[1] http://technomorous.eu
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elektronika_MK-52
[3] http://www.isthe.com/chongo/tech/comp/calc/
[4] https://www.root.cz/clanky/matematika-v-prikazove-radce-vi-utilita-calc-1/