Palm Pilot Hotsync Cable

In short: a success.

A longer story:

I wanted to sync my Palm IIIx with a modern laptop. By modern I mead a device
with the Linux but without the serial port (a Lenovo X60s with the Ubuntu 14.04
in this case).

I have got these things:
* a US Robotics-branded Palm Pilot HotSync Cable (and original accessory for
 the even older Palm Pilot line (Professional/Personal)
* a thingy labelled Bandridge USB Serial Cable

So I connected the cables, put the USB end to the X60s's USB port. Then I
changed access right for the /dev/ttyUSB0 device.

The "pilot-xfer" commands works as expected. I assume that the jPilot will do,
too. The cable has no hotsync button so the communication must be started
within the HotSync application on the Palm.

* this approach works,
* the Palm Pilot cable is compatible with the newer Palm III (unlike the
 HotSync craddle),
* it's a nice example of backward compatibility (try to do this on Win10!).