Some more IRIS Indigo software

It seem to be increasingly difficult to find an old IRIX software (including
the freely available titles). Some things are available but my Indigo has no
Z-buffer card (I have only the XS24 card) so for example the FSN refuses to
work (thus no Jurrasic park wiil be at home...). But one can find several
interesting pieces at the LLNL [1].

Thus I have managed to install just a few titles to my Indigo R3000:
* Tranquility game (with nice music!)
* MeshTV (it's, of course, very slow)
* Netscape 3.0
* SGI Doom (I still have to manage it to run in a larger window)

There is also the Vim and the GNU Octave 2.0 and the Gnuplot 3.5, of course.
Actually, I spent about a half of the night when I modified one of my *.m codes
to be compatible with so ancient Octave.
