Fossil Wrist PDA

So I got it! Not a perfect one: the battery is (of course) dead and the Back
button is damaged. Anyway, I have one. It's the same thing which was sold
also as the Abacus Wrist PDA (the case can be different, the internals are
the same).

If you don't know what it is: it's smart watch that runs (almost unmodified)
Palm OS 4.x. Actually, it's a faster Palm III in a smaller size which can also
work as a watch [1]. The funny thing is that it has the same resolution as the
original black and white Palms had (160x160). Only the physical dimensions of
the screen are smaller (about 1"). If you have good eyes then you can use
almost any Palm OS application on the device without big troubles (yes,
DrugWars work here). And it's even faster than the big Palm III (66 MHz CPU
instead of 16-24 MHz one). There is problem with different set of hardware
buttons (and they are un-configurable here) so some applications cannot be
properly controlled here.

A whole screen is used as the Graffiti area and that thing works quite well
(virtual keyboard is here, too but it is too small for my liking). And yes,
the stylus is integrated in the device (in the band) but it is of course
somewhat small.

More on the topic later: in the case if I fill be able to replace the battery.
The battery life should be no worse than modern smart watches have (except the
Pebble which is much ahead). And unlike these things, the Fossil can work
without the phone: all the PIM stuff can be stored in its 8 MB memory! ;-)

[1] gopher://