Evening computing

There was my birthday at the Sunday so I decided to do some lighter stuff. So I
have turned on the MP3 stream of the ORF Radio Wien (for their playlist see
here: [1]), opened the Nekochan.net forums [2] and started to play with the
BASIC programming [3],[4]. Well, the Nekoware stuff is unrelated to such
rogramming but there was an interesting thread "What extremely rare
(non-prototype) computers do you wish you could find?" which has to be
monitored ;-)

As none of Palm OS emulators works on the IRIX, I had to use "pilot-xfer" to
transfer the code to my Palm III in order to test it on a real hardware.

I'm not surprised that SmallBASIC [4] refuses to work on the IRIX (the 0.5.8
compiles without errors but fails with "Bus error". Fortunately the "bas2pdb"
utility works and it allows to direct transfer of the converted prigram to the
Palm. It is interesting that the reverse operation ("pdb2bas") does not work.
It is possible to bypass that isue by exporting ot the program to the Memos
(the SmallBASIC on the Palm itselfm provides this functionality).

And I also converted a bunch of my favorite sites to the Plucker [6] format for
later off-line reading (via the jPluck [5]). It always needs some time on my
SGI O2 with a 250m MHz processor so it have ran in the background.

So I have had a nice retro-evening. :-)


[1] http://onlineradiobox.com/at/orfradiowien/playlist/
[2] http://forums.nekochan.net
[3] http://bwbasic.sf.net
[4] http://small.sf.net
[5] http://jpluck.sourceforge.net
[6] http://plucker.sourceforge.net