Bluetooth Keyboard preferences

Order by typing experience:

1. Lenovo keyboard with trackpoint: the only issue is F1-F12 as they require a
  press of Fn key
2. HP portable keyboard (non-foldable): small keys, no tracpoint (but F1-F12
  work as expected)
3. ThinkOutside Sierra: (normal size keys, bad feedback)
4. Jorno Keyboard: small keys but nice tactile feedback
5. Nokia SU-8W: small keys, bad layout (too much Fn+something presses), often
  key misses and/or unexpected repeats

Order by portability/usability on move:

1. ThinkOutside Sierra
2. Jorno (surprisingly whn folded  it is bigger than the Sierra!)
3. Nokia SU-8W
The rest is too fragile to be moved in a bag...

To be honest, I would rather carry a 2kg of ThinkPad X61+adapters and batteries
than a tablet with external keyboard (but my ThinkPad is less or more dead..).