Nakad Law presses charges against NLState organized
child trafficking

Amstelveen, 20 March 2021

On 23 March 2021,

the Amsterdam District Court will continue the disciplinary case
against lawyer Mrs. Dr. Henriette Nakad-Weststrate (www.nakadlaw.nl).
The Amsterdam dean accuses her of insufficient professional distance
and wants her to stop handling Child Protection Services cases.
Through signals from anonymous sources,  he has decided to do so,
and harasses her with terminology such as tunnel vision
and conspiracy thinking. The plan to settle the matter at a brief,
closed session hearing had failed last month due to the mass rise
of interested parties and victims. They sent a lot of responses
to the registry.

Every  year, 450,000  children are  structurally  placed  under
state  supervision and more  than  50,000 Dutch  children  are
separated  from  their parents, often on the  basis of lies and
forged files. This is relatively ten times more than in Norway,
which has already been convicted of human rights violations.
Lawyer Mrs.  Dr. Henriette  Nakad-Weststrate believes that there
is no fair trial in Child  Protection Services cases
(Article 6 ECHR).

The handling of her own case makes that visible.
She said parents are threatened and  intimidated
by  the Child  Protection  Services  chain,
their children  abused and financially exploited.

On 19 March 2021, lawyer Mrs. Dr. Dr.Henriette Nakad-Weststrate
has filed a complaint against the Dutch State for forgery,
child trafficking and other criminal offences.

This is the start of a collective action.
It also reported the violations of the rule or law
to the  European authorities. Due to  illegal medical experiments

in the youth care industry
(violation of the Nuremberg protocol, see Report Committee De Winter)

she will bring a casee before the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Lawyer Mrs. Dr Henriette Nakad-Weststrateis also preparing
a complaint to the United Nations against the Netherlands about
racism and ethnic profiling, similar to St.Maarten about
the neo colonia land racist attitude by the Netherlands.

This problem also played a role in the Child Benefits Scandal,
with self-learning algorithms.