The youth care violence is not only directed against Dutch citizens,
but also against residents of other nationalities in the Netherlands,
including Polish, Russian, Turkish, Moroccan and even Australian citizens
living in the Netherlands. Like one of my clients (a married couple)
who was forced to flee to Poland and apply for asylum there
to protect their child.

The court in Warsaw ruled on September 21, 2020 that Dutch youth care
was "extremely inhumane and barbaric". The Polish judge also said that
there was no independent and impartial judicial review in the Netherlands.

Since then, the report of the Van Dam Committee on the Child Allowance Affair
has been published on 17 December 2020 and the report of
the Joustra Committee on international adoption on 8 February 2021.
The final report of the Temporary Committee for Implementing Organizations
was published on 25 February 2021. All these reports point to
the violation of the principles of the rule of law by the Netherlands.

But the Netherlands pats itself noisily on the back about its own constitutional state,
the "rule of law" and points an accusing finger at Poland and Hungary,
where it would all be horribly wrong. Fortunately,
these countries have now filed a case with the European Court of Justice.