The language was initiated by Ludwig Lazar Zamenhof,
who created the grammar on the basis of European languages with a minimal quantity of exceptions.
The vocabulary is mostly based on Romance languages,
although there are also words from Germanic and other languages.

The new language, the first textbook of which appeared in 1887, attracted a community
of speakers and began a normal process of language evolution within a community who used it in many environments and created a
culture associated with the language.

Two decades later, the first children speaking in Esperanto with their parents were born, the first native speakers of
the language. Thus, one can say that it is a language created for international communication, which later became creolized and is
nowadays the language of a diaspora of Esperanto speakers.

A great source for learning it is an app called DuoLingo or and on youtube are several good sources.

Next week I am going to a local Esperanto club not far from here.

Update: All meetings are canceled....Due this Covid horsesh#t.