Helloooo gopher space! It's jebug again! With some exciting announcements!

First up, I've finally uploaded more pictures of my Altair 8800! Check them
out on the SDF user galleries[0]! I posted the link to Mastodon earlier this
week, and a lot of people got excited about it, so I decided to take it a step
further and allow people to SSH in and connect to my Altair[1] and actually
control it! It's currently running Microsoft BASIC 80 under CP/M 3, and so if
you can connect you can write/run/load/save programs. It's being streamed on
YouTube[2] right now too!

To join the queue:     ssh [email protected] -p 422
To view the log live:  ssh [email protected] -p 422
(no password is required, press Ctrl-A, Ctrl-X to exit. Ctrl-C breaks the
currently running program)

There's a queueing system, so if people are in line behind you and you've been
on for more than 15 minutes, it'll kick you off and let the next person on. So
far users have been infrequent enough to pretty much avoid the queue, but if I
start getting enough users, I might actually load Zork up on it one day and
let people log in and cooperate! Maybe on OpenMic or something, and we could
all chat in COM or IRC :>

If you enjoy my Altair project, please consider donating to my personal
Paypal[3]! Or even better, join in on the following.....


AND NOW FOR AN EVEN BIGGER ANNOUNCEMENT!! Announcing Sector Disk! Available on
the web at https://sectordisk.pw[4] and gopher at gopher://sectordisk.pw[5]

Sector Disk is this project I've been working on for nearly a month now where
users can acquire sectors on a real 3.5" 1.44M diskette and edit them from the
shell! It's basically a message board on a Floppy Disk, and you can do
whatever you want with your sectors - advertise, entertain, put up some art,
whatever! They're also the actual physically-aligned sectors (0-2879, 512
bytes a piece), so I even have scripts written that will make visuals of the
sectors and a visual of the entire disk (available on the web)! I think it's
super cool, and I'm excited about it, so I'd love it if people signed up.

Unlike the Altair thing, I am charging for this one since I'm broke right
now (lol), so users can either pay monthly at $1 per sector (in 5-sector
blocks) or pay once at $5 a sector and keep those sectors for good (all via
Paypal). I'd love to get enough money to beef up my internet connection and do
even more fun projects (and also, y'know, feed myself), so if you're
interested, please join (see the join page for more details)! Sector Disk is
officially going to go live on 00:00 UTC on May 30th, which is less than a day
away, so I am open to receiving join e-mails now!

Also, I'm not streaming Sector Disk 24/7 yet since video has a decent amount
of lag and audio isn't really an option in my living room. But! If enough
people join and I get the money to run ethernet into another room, I'll
definitely do live audio streaming so people can listen to the floppy disk
drive as they read or make edits! In the interim I'm planning on holding
streaming events (probably weekly), where users will be able to watch/listen
in and chat via IRC and/or the stream chat!

(Please note that if you ask to join Sector Disk, I'll send you a Paypal
payment link over e-mail tied to my business account with the right amount for
however many sectors you asked for. Please only send donations to my personal
account[3], not payments! I don't want to get in trouble with The Man...)

Anyway, that's all for now! Please check out and enjoy both of these projects
and hit me up via e-mail or Mastodon with any feedback you have! ^ o ^ )/

[0] https://wm.sdf.org/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=944
[1] https://jebug29.sdf.org/altair.html
[2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzJG-J9F2LY
[3] https://paypal.me/JesseDowning
[4] https://sectordisk.pw/
[5] gopher://sectordisk.pw:70/1/