Hi hi! Long time no see, SDF Gopherspace. I'm just here to add an update
for a program I wrote in BASH (available on this Gopherhole->Software).

It's a screenshot utility for window managers like i3 that don't have
one already built in. I initially just wanted a basic "copy to clipboard
if I press PrintScreen" functionalty like on Windows, but I expanded the
functionality a bit to save the screenshots to a folder in the user's
home directory. I also made it so that it utilizes CopyQ (a clipboard
manager available on most distros), as apparently xclip can't handle but
so big of a file before it hecks up the clipboard entry.

So, y'know, if that's useful to anyone, feel free to grab it! :> I also
included the key bindings I'm using with i3, to save someone else time.

I haven't really been active much on SDF or aNONradio since the
beginning of 2019 (sorry!), and I'm not sure if I'll pick up that much
more speed soon (sorry again!) as I'm headed to Japan for study abroad
this coming Saturday. But I haven't forgotten about SDF and still read
the (often disgruntled) aNONradio mailing list, so I'm always around in
some way or another. My inbox and MastoMail are always open, so feel
free to write :p

Until next time! またね!